Bc Childress Uilleann Pipes

bc childress uilleann pipes
  • August 9, 2022

Welcome to the web page of B.C. Childress Bellows Blown Bagpipes. I am sure, by now, that if you have come this far in exploring the notion of learning more about the Uilleann Pipes, you must be bitten pretty hard by………. “The Bug!” .

It is a magnificent instrument, and I don’t just say that ‘cause I love them.

They are also everywhere! Just flip the remote control on you television for a while. Go to the movies. Listen to NPR. Can’t get away from them, can you? (providing you would want to.)

I hope this site will impart useful information about the Uilleann Pipes. You may be interested in purchasing a set. Or, you may just be curious. Either way, I get the privilege of telling you all about the instrument I (we) have come to love.

Uilleann Pipes

The Uilleann Pipes are a distinctive type of bagpipe native to Ireland. Unlike the more widely recognized Scottish Highland pipes, Uilleann pipes are known for their sweet, expressive tone and the ability to play a wider range of notes. The name “Uilleann” comes from the Irish word “uille” (elbow), highlighting a unique feature of the instrument: it is played with a bellows operated by the elbow to supply air to the bag, rather than by blowing into it. This method allows the piper to play continuously without the need for pauses to take a breath.


Map Marker is an approximate location

bc childress uilleann pipes

  • kennebunk, maine, united states
  • # 2688
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