the house of labhran

A specialist dealer in fine Scottish Highland wear from the 18th century to the 21st century

the house of labhran

A specialist dealer in fine Scottish Highland wear from the 18th century to the 21st century

The House of Labhran is a specialist dealer in fine Scottish Highland wear from the 18th century to the 21st century. Based in the heart of the Highlands as an online Highland wear and design studio, supplying private clients around the world.

We source our ever changing stock, which includes quality new and vintage stock of silver sgian dubhs, Scottish sporrans, Scottish clan accoutrements and Scottish antique silver kilt accessories.

We seek inspiration from those who were labelled rebels, rogues, artists, activists and thinkers throughout history. The battles they fought, conventions they followed, and rules they broke, we have a passion for the individual.

  • “Scottish Highland Dress Accessories”
  • “Handmade Scottish Sporrans”
  • “Bespoke Sgian Dubhs for Sale”
  • “Scottish Regimental Militaria”
  • “Vintage Clan Crests & Collectibles”
  • “Traditional Kilt Jackets & Waistcoats”
  • “Scottish Whisky Quaichs & Gifts”
  • “Scottish Kilt Hose & Country Socks”
  • “Where to Buy Scottish Highland Accessories”
  • “Scottish Dress Accessories UK & USA”

Explore our exquisite bespoke and vintage Scottish Highland dress accessories available worldwide. Based in the heart of the Scottish Highlands we have been serving private Highland wear clients and vintage collectors since 1998. Our styles are inspired by characters from history but are designed for today.

Our diverse bespoke and antique collection offers a wide variety of premium Scottish Highland attire. Within our range, you can find an ever-evolving selection of exceptional vintage and bespoke sporrans, sgian dubh, clan crests and whisky collectibles.

For gentlemen, style lovers and enlightened souls. Inspired by the rebels of society from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The battles they fought, conventions they followed, and rules they broke. We have a passion for the individual.

We hope you enjoy our ever changing Scottish Highland wear shop range.

Speyside - Scotland



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