The Rebels Are Defeated at Vinegar Hill; However, Two Rebel Columns Escape; the Southern Column Camps at Sleedagh Demense; the Northern Column Camps at Peppards Castle. Government Forces Re-Take Wexford Town

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  • The Rebels are defeated at Vinegar Hill; however, two Rebel columns escape; the Southern column camps at Sleedagh Demense; the Northern column camps at Peppards Castle. Government forces re-take Wexford town
The Rebels are defeated at Vinegar Hill; however, two Rebel columns escape; the Southern column camps at Sleedagh Demense; the Northern column camps at Peppards Castle. Government forces re-take Wexford town
  • January 1, 1

The Rebels are defeated at Vinegar Hill; however, two Rebel columns escape; the Southern column camps at Sleedagh Demense; the Northern column camps at Peppards Castle. Government forces re-take Wexford town

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