On Hearing of British Atrocities in Ireland, Soldiers of the Connaught Rangers Mutiny in Protest; Three Are Shot Dead; a Fourth - Private James Daly - Is Court-Martialled and Executed by Firing Squad. He Is the Last Member of the British Army to Be Execut

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  • On hearing of British atrocities in Ireland, soldiers of the Connaught Rangers mutiny in protest; three are shot dead; a fourth - Private James Daly - is court-martialled and executed by firing squad. He is the last member of the British army to be execut
On hearing of British atrocities in Ireland, soldiers of the Connaught Rangers mutiny in protest; three are shot dead; a fourth - Private James Daly - is court-martialled and executed by firing squad. He is the last member of the British army to be execut
  • January 1, 1

On hearing of British atrocities in Ireland, soldiers of the Connaught Rangers mutiny in protest; three are shot dead; a fourth - Private James Daly - is court-martialled and executed by firing squad. He is the last member of the British army to be execut

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