General Hunter, Who Replaced Lake as Commander in Wexford, Becomes Aware Rebellion Is Not Over and Begins to Re-Deploy His Troops. He Orders General Duff to Bunclody and General Needham to Gorey

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  • General Hunter, who replaced Lake as Commander in Wexford, becomes aware rebellion is not over and begins to re-deploy his troops. He orders General Duff to Bunclody and General Needham to Gorey
General Hunter, who replaced Lake as Commander in Wexford, becomes aware rebellion is not over and begins to re-deploy his troops. He orders General Duff to Bunclody and General Needham to Gorey
  • January 1, 1

General Hunter, who replaced Lake as Commander in Wexford, becomes aware rebellion is not over and begins to re-deploy his troops. He orders General Duff to Bunclody and General Needham to Gorey

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