Birth of Dr. William Drennan in Belfast; Physician, Poet, Educationalist Political Radical and One of the Chief Architects of the Society of United Irishmen. Drennans Poetic Output Included Some Powerful and Moving Pieces. He Is Chiefly Remembered Today

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  • Birth of Dr. William Drennan in Belfast; physician, poet, educationalist political radical and one of the chief architects of the Society of United Irishmen. Drennans poetic output included some powerful and moving pieces. He is chiefly remembered today
Birth of Dr. William Drennan in Belfast; physician, poet, educationalist political radical and one of the chief architects of the Society of United Irishmen. Drennans poetic output included some powerful and moving pieces. He is chiefly remembered today
  • January 1, 1

Birth of Dr. William Drennan in Belfast; physician, poet, educationalist political radical and one of the chief architects of the Society of United Irishmen. Drennans poetic output included some powerful and moving pieces. He is chiefly remembered today

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