Birth in Dublin of Patrick Campbell, Author and Broadcaster; He Wrote Sixteen Books, Including Life in Thin Slices, Rough Husbandry and How to Become a Scratch Golfer (He Was One Himself)

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  • Birth in Dublin of Patrick Campbell, author and broadcaster; he wrote sixteen books, including Life in Thin Slices, Rough Husbandry and How to Become a Scratch Golfer (he was one himself)
Birth in Dublin of Patrick Campbell, author and broadcaster; he wrote sixteen books, including Life in Thin Slices, Rough Husbandry and How to Become a Scratch Golfer (he was one himself)
  • January 1, 1

Birth in Dublin of Patrick Campbell, author and broadcaster; he wrote sixteen books, including Life in Thin Slices, Rough Husbandry and How to Become a Scratch Golfer (he was one himself)

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